Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Super Halfs - A good excuse for extra holidays

Extra Holidays

Last September I took real pleasure in Drew providing us with an excuse for an extra holiday by signing up for the Copenhagen Half Marathon. More about that trip in last year's blog.

Well, it became apparent that Copenhagen wasn't a one off, rather Copenhagen Half Marathon is, along with the Cardiff Half Marathon, that Drew took part in during October 2022, part of an international series called the Super Halfs

The challenge of the Super Halfs is to complete five half marathons in any order over a 36-month period. In addition to Copenhagen and Cardiff, the Super Halfs are in Lisbon, Prague and Valencia. The achievement is rewarded by a 'SuperMedal' at the finish line of the fifth race! 

So, Drew's love of running and my love for visiting new places came together as we plan the next few years travel. 

Next Journey

Looking at the options for the races and fitting our annual trips, now restored post-Covid, to Nerja into the schedule, we go at Easter and some years that clashes with the April race. So, our current plans are:

Lisbon - March 2023

Valencia - October 2023

Prague - October 2025

This blog will cover two of our visits this year - Now to Lisbon, and later in the year in Valencia. In the meantime, as well as Nerja in April, we have a holiday booked travelling in Northern Europe in August, so a great holiday year. Why not join us for our travels on this and other blogs.

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